Save the best till last.

Woke up to a beautiful day. I was expecting frost but it had all but gone when l went out for a walk down to the river. Took lots of photographs in the bright light. Looked through them when l got back and couldn't decide what could be my blip today.
Went to the hairdressers, had lunch then we went to Costco for a mammoth shop.Took more shots along the journey but soon discarded those.
Got home and got straight on with the job of bagging things up for the freezer still thinking about what to put on today.
Went outside to put my shopping bags in the boot when lo and behold l was met with this terrific sky. Ran back in and got the camera. You just know when it's the one.
Early night tonight, a trip to London in the morning as we've got some cheap return tickets (. £5 each way , Leeds to Kings Cross) but will be watching Happy Valley first!

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