The full moon, by Jupiter!

After much walking yesterday around the tropical gardens of Monte, including lots of steps, up and down the different levels, my knees today are very painful, clicking and locking and buckling when I stand after sitting or walk more than a few steps. Mr PP's hip's in a similarly bad way, so we've spent the day pootling around and mostly reading in the hotel garden and by the pool. (Had three swims in between finishing my second book this holiday! My knees didn't seem to mind that.) We are wondering if even an easy-level levada walk is advisable / possible this year!? But it doesn't stop us enjoying the warm sunshine.

The view from the pool I've put up as an Extra today, as I wanted to post last night's full moon and Jupiter as my main blip. My mother loved the moon and today would have been her 96th birthday. I love it, too!

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