
By TrishaR

Day three in York

We all woke up around 7.30 again and got ready to face the day and I got the case packed up. We checked out and left the case and bag with the hotel as not getting the train home till 2pm.

Went for breakfast to a nice Cafe Ben demolished a big plate of scrambled egg and toast. We talked about what we were going to do till the train and Ben said he didn't want to go home he wanted to stay in the hotel another night. I was happy he was enjoying himself so much away from mummy and daddy. We took a wander around the Jorvick outdoor stuff and Ben spotted a big sword so of course Nana gave in and said he could have it. Next stall had helmets and yes, get a helmet. It's not strictly a Viking one but it's pretty good for a boy that loves dressing up! One thing about Ben is that he loves running and he sometimes just takes off in a run - not so great in a strange place. We walked back to the Yorkminster again, into Keihls for my hair stuff, the assistant a bit concerned when she saw the length of the sword with a small boy at the end of it! Time for another refreshment - we went to a lot of Cafes Ben told mum when we got home!! Bought some stuff for the train journey hen another walk round the walls back to the hotel to pick up the case. Train was on time and we got settled and played some games and looked at the pictures we had taken along with the kids book from the NRM with stickers.

We made friends with a couple of Grans who had spent half term down south with their grandkids. Grannie Gillespie was from Inverness and Sue was from Perth. Sue gave Ben a couple of pound coins which delighted him. He was showing them his pictures of York on his camera . Granny Gillespie was talking about how she had Viking ancestors from the Sutherland area and I said I had great great grandparents from their too, the Gunns. Do you have the shortened tendon in your hand as that is a trait from there. I was gobsmacked as I do on the palm below my middle finger! Was amazing.

We said goodbye to the ladies and headed down to pick up Breagha and take Ben back to mummy and daddy to tell his tales..

It's been a fab holiday, never a dull moment, always something to chat about with Ben and great seeing somewhere new through the eyes of a child.....

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