The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Husband to the rescue

Busy, busy day. Good busy though!

Went training straight from felt good to move and sweat and be knackered! Home after seven, to find Paul and Lottie excited in the garden...

A squab had fallen from it's nest and landed in the neighbouring farmer's field. Lottie was determined to get to it...Paul was determined to rescue it! We lost sight of it as we emptied my bags from the car but then Lottie spotted it Paul picked it up, we located the nest (and it's sibling!) and Paul climbed up the tree to pop it back in! All safe and husband is a Squab Hero!!

I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I have my SLT meal in the evening and I'm going out with my "80's buddy", Claire, for some wine and dancing afterwards. I've cancelled Saturday training to accommodate the inevitable hangover! So, I might have to back blip on Saturday...I'm sure it will be worth it!

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