
By DramaQueen

The tar's the star

Last September, our local council undertook some fairly extensive 'surface dressing' of the majority of the main roads through Accrington. This was meant to help prevent potholes forming and major repairs.

Sadly, the contractor they used did a total cowboy job and within months, most of the gravel that had been laid over the tar had flicked away to either form a channel in the middle of the road, or pile up against the kerbs. One morning not too long ago, I saw a guy from the council with a leaf blower, blowing the gravel off the pavements and back into the road!

There are now huge shiny patches of road and seemingly many motorists (myself included) are pissed off that our cars are smothered in tar.

The odd bit you wouldn't mind, but I've spent an hour and a half today, on my hands and knees, removing the tar off poor William's bodywork he's my car, not a neighbour!.

Almost a whole can of WD-40 and a job lot of elbow grease was required to do this, and it seems a bit futile given that the council have now said they have asked the contractors to come and resurface the roads again (properly this time!).

However, I guess the more I remove now, the less I have to do in future....so long as I keep on top of it :-/

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