Arunachula - Mountain of Light

The name given to our house by the gentle man who built it. The trees have grown so much since his time that the mountains are all but obscured, but whenever I’m up at dawn I can’t stop taking photos. Hard to choose between them today, so I’ve added one extra.
It’s so good to be back up here. HH having been here all week, the dogs are much calmer – well, they were till I took them for a walk and Dookie spotted a cat. I was still following in the car, but accelerated up to where he'd caught the cat, leapt out, leaving the keys in the ignition and my mobile on the passenger seat, rushed after them as they tumbled down the bank and into the river – and then jumped in after them. No comment on the foolishness of this reaction, but at least I managed to drag Dookie off his victim, who seemed remarkably unhurt. I then had to haul him up a series of steps in the river, with him struggling frantically to get back to finish the battle. Luckily, before I got halfway up to where the wall ends and I would be able to climb out, some people found their way blocked by my car and came to help. I was able to hand Dookie out to them and wade the rest of the way up to my exit point. What our rescuers must have thought of the lunatic elderly gringa who emerged, soaked to the waist to resume charge of her dogs, doesn’t bear thinking about – but they were very nice about it. HH was pretty much speechless.
I locked a dripping Dookie in the car and got out on the way back down to check on the cat. It looked safe on a sandbank, with no obvious signs of injuries, so having been warned just last week about the danger of cat bites, I reluctantly left it to find its own way out of the river.

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