
By Rafstar99

Pizza the action!

It's been a very busy day today. I had a hospital appointment at 11am. So I had to set off at 8:50am. The appointment was in Sheffield.

After the appointments we had a little look round Sheffield. Well, I say little. Then we bought some lunch (at the place I love to go for quick, easy pleasure, SUBWAY!). I got my usual sandwich combination; meatball marinara on Italian herbs and cheese. Cheese and toasted. Of course!

I came home and rested for a couple of hours and then, after 2 hours, I was going to Morrisons. I was going there because I planned to make a homemade pizza! Do you like my design? Pretty proud of it to be honest! Anyway, it went down A TREAT!

I've had a really busy couple of days. I better get my head on the pillow and get some rest. School tomorrow. THEN TWO DAYS OFF!

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