World Book Day is on its way

No prizes for guessing who Leo has chosen to dress up as for World Book Day. After he turned up his nose at my knitted chainmail, I decided to buy a costume this time - he can't moan about that! In fact as it came in its own lovely little case, he is very taken with it - as you can see in the extra.

This morning he decided to tell me that when he gets married and has children he is going to sit outside like in the Dentist's waiting room rather than being in the room when the baby is born. And he isn't cutting the cord because it is too messy! They have been doing 'life cycle' lessons at school so goodness knows exactly what they have been discussing. He has also decided on Oliver and Olivia for his kiddies names even though I pointed out it could be a bit confusing. But he is hoping to have all boys as they are more likely to be play football! Wonder what tomorrow's entertaining topic will be.

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