By philipchircop


Today was one of those rare days in my Jesuit community in downtown Toronto. I spent another day doing nothing and trying to do it well! It takes a lot of energy to do nothing and do it well. I did everything in slow motion, intentionally. Enjoyed a walk along Bloor street. Back home I saw these two yin-yang singing stress balls which I have never really used!

I picked them up and let them roll through my fingers! In the course of the day I learnt that they are known by other names: Baoding balls, Chinese Therapy Balls, Chinese Stress Balls, Chinese Health Balls, Yin and Yang Balls!

I also read this interesting description about them:

The use of Chinese exercise balls is based on the theory of jing luo (merdians) and xue (acupuncture points). Two or more balls are placed in the palm and manipulated by the hand and fingers. As the balls are rotated clockwise and counter-clockwise by the finger movements vital acupuncture points in the hand are stimulated. Exercising with Chinese health balls is intended to restore energy and blood flow to the brain, muscle, and bones, and as a result improve overall health and ultimately prolong life. According to Chinese medicine the ten fingers are connected to the cranial nerve, and the body's vital organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, gallbladder, and stomach).

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