365 Days of Photo

By Ladyhelen

One Redcliff

I think this is my favourite building in Bristol. It is opposite my office and I love the way it imposes on everything else on the street. It's beautiful and ugly all at the same time. You can also see it from most places in town.

I was interested to find out when it was first built in 1964 it was the first high rise building in Bristol to "break an unofficial height limit" of 30.5m. It also caused controversy, both locally and nationally, and was seen by many as failing to respond to its environment, in particular its physical relationship to the adjacent Church of St Thomas.

I feel like if we lived in the film Upside Down this is where you'd find all the bad guys!

My new goal for one of my future photo journals is to capture the way this building makes me feel in a photo! Watch this space.

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