Jostling for Position

Peter & I have lifted and divided the bigger clumps of snowdrops in order to spread them throughout the garden. I think I could perhaps do the same with these crocus bulbs once they've finished flowering? That said, they do provide a spectacular burst of colour as they jostle each other out of the way in their fight for the sunlight. I'm pleased to have caught them open for Biker Bear's Flower Friday.  

Today I had a sight test, as just recently I've found I'm struggling a little with close work early in the mornings or when I'm reading teeny tiny text on my phone. It was no great surprise that the optometrist prescribed reading glasses, but I'll admit that I'm not very pleased about it. I made the most of choosing a colourful pair though, so I might be brave and do a selfie when I collect them next week. We'll see! 

And so to Philosophy Friday:
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us. - Dave Turner

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