October 4th Journal


The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Truth...

... in the news to day are those two stories: "Segir vörður..." A good translation would be: Cairns that tourists make in the Icelandic landscape spoils the nature.
They may think this is a small thing and a monument about their staying in Iceland, but they don't realize the harm they are doing by moving the stones and leave a hole that will fill with water and freeze and make a bigger hole and so on... see this blip about tourists killing tourism.

The other one: "Telja að makríllinn..." translates: The Mackerel could be the cause of the declining of seabirds... as it eats the Ammodytes marinus (sandsíli) so the seabirds are not able to feed their young.

Conclusion: The Good thing is that many tourists and good fishing is good for the economy. The Bad thing is it spoils the flora and the fauna. And The Ugly Truth is that we need both of them.

And last but not least to day is Friday the 13th!

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