
By CharlotteJ

Madam Butterfly

Was feeling a bit 'het up'.

I am working from home today - confidential stuff that type of thing and decided after another rather rude email from a contractor that there was naff all I could do or say so decided before he wound me up any further to get some fresh air.

So happy I did. This little lady has been playing for the last twenty minutes in my garden and more than happy to pose for me - I am delighted!

Butterfly's give me happy memories of walking days with my Dad when I was little. We used to catch them (releasing them straight away) and tick them off in a book and at then end of the holiday we would see how many different breeds we found and what we learnt about them. Dad often messed around and pretended that he caught one with the net on my head - he still finds that joke funny even now.

I am no longer 'het up' and feeling calm, so going to finish off at 6 a very happy girl........lets get the wine in the fridge ready

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