Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A walk up Barrow

I hadn't intended to walk up Barrow today.  The plan was to go to the far side of Derwent Water and go to Manesty.  However, there was an accident on the road to Keswick and nothing was moving, so I turned around and tried to get there by another route but had to turn back twice because of closed bridges.  By the time I got on to the main road I'd lost a lot of time so thought it would be pointless trying to find a parking space by the lake, so I ended up at Braithwaite and did a circular walk I've done a couple of times but not with Misty.  The views at the top of Barrow are stunning.  

There's a couple of shots in Extras, one of Misty rounding up another smooth coated collie who was chasing after a stick.  Amazingly I managed to capture the stick in flight!  The other one is tonight's sunset from the garden.

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