Still Nest Building.....

I couldn't resist taking a few more photo of the eagles as they build their nest; well, actually many many more photos, so the editing and purging has been long and tiring. I am not going to snap away so much the next time I go watch them.  I may not even take my camera? Oh, that is not going to happen, you knew that, right?

Now I must finish some indoor things before my husband and grandson get back from their fishing trip. They caught a lovely steelhead yesterday and are fishing several holes along the Wilson River on their way home today.  I have photos spread out as I am sorting them out so each of the grown kids has a pile of photos I will give them, a pile of my childhood memories and a pile of my husbands childhood memories. Daunting task! 

Thanks for dropping by and for your encouragement (comments, stars and even hearts). I do enjoy each and every sign that you entered into my life in a little way today.

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