13 Minutes and 100 Pictures Later...

...this giant egret took to flight. I thought he was just tired of me, but he saw something squirming on the nearby boat ramp. I saw it too, and hurried over to watch the egret have lunch. I thought maybe it was a crab.

But nooooo...it was...it was...a SEAHORSE! IT WAS A SEAHORSE!! A TINY 3-4 INCH SEAHORSE!! The egret picked it up in its beak, but refused to eat it. After taking a couple shots of it, I picked it up by its tiny tail, and put it back into the ocean. It swam off, giving me a thank you nod...a seahorse salute.

In the Extras, see a collage of the art/craft show I went to, the saved seahorse, a shot of the perched egret, and an injured owl that will never go back to the wild. ;0(

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