Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

A small palace, but my own

C was feeling a bit off colour today. So, in the morning, I set off on an expedition to locate, once and for all, the source of the River Sal. Well, the opposite of the source. It's a couple of miles South down the beach. I have named it MickMoglandia. This is the opposite way to my evening running route and there's a lot more stuff washed up along the high water mark. Coconuts, a big fish skeleton, a small, wooden palace(!) and lots and lots of single flip-flops and sandals. After lunch C was up to a quick visit to the Beach. Then my evening run. M texted while I was running asking how it was all going and I was able to reply saying that I was alone on a huge, tropical, properly paradisal beach. Good times!

By the end of each run, I am so wet that my fingertips are wrinkled.

With C still feeling fragile, we settled for cheese and crisp sandwiches in front of Mad Men.

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