wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Saturday morning......

My sister Nancy stayed at the Hilton harbor inn in Portland. I awoke there Saturday morning saying a thank you prayer for a wonder drug called zofran and vowing to NEVER drink again.
Sometimes when you are in the moment......well I don't care we had a wonderful time and I laughed my bum off. actually just caught a glimpse and I SO did not .
This weekend meant so much to me. I had a wonderful time.
I grabbed BlipBear and Kiwi and took them with me. I got them a new friend, a lobster. Come on its Maine. That's what we do here.
I will be taking them to Portland Headlight on Wednesday. The weather is beautiful here! It's like spring, about 50+ degrees. I have shin splints from walking in the old port in my black suede boots. these are known as my kick ass boots I wore them with a striped French sailors sweater. Kind of pirate meets dirty sailor........but I digress. The sweater didn't give me shin splints but the boots did.
BlipBear and Kiwi? No shin splints that I can see.. They spend the day in an old Windsor rocking chair until I find another adventure...... Either way I am blipping a few days tonight. Check them out. Good morning to down under and good evening to the north.

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