
By DramaQueen

Modern day Marilyn

So....that's it, our trip to the Big Apple is over.

We were at a bit of a loose end last night, so thought we'd try and get tickets for a show. The only one that appealed to us was 'School of Rock', but 2 tickets cost $311. We didn't want to see it that much!

We thought we could maybe have a stroll in Central Park, but were told it wasn't advisable after dark. So there was nothing else for it but to go back to the hotel and put our feet up.

We've racked up even more miles today, starting with a walk through Central Park to the Museum of Natural History. There was a butterfly exhibition we wanted to see, but we had to buy full admission to see it so ended up checking out the rest of the exhibits too.
This not only killed a bit of time, but took us out of the rain.

By the time we had done in there, it was sunny again outside so we walked over to the east side of the park and back towards Grand Central station to find the 'Marilyn Monroe grate' from the film 'The Seven Year Itch'.
It took a bit of finding as it wasn't marked or signposted, and the building has changed over the years, but a look on google maps and images helped us to locate it.

What a shame it's not Friday as this could have been my FSF entry. I forgot to pack my white dress, so I'm going for a modern day Marilyn look!

There was just enough time left to do a bit of shopping and have coffee and cake at the Carnegie diner before walking down to catch the airport shuttle bus.

This trip has been just fantastic; we've seen and done everything we wanted to do.....and more!

It's been an epic fail in terms of our original brief; a nice relaxing break somewhere warm, but I just know we would have been bored doing that!
Over the last 2 days we've done 52,530 steps which converts to 24.8 miles. Bearing in mind that Manhattan is only 12 miles long, we've walked the equivalent of the length and back again!

We are both off work tomorrow as we are on the red eye flight home and won't get back to Manchester until just after lunch.

I hope you've enjoyed our trip just as much as we have; normal boring service resumes tomorrow ;-)

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