Erinn Letts Photos

By ErinnL

100th Day of School Parade


M's 100th day of school was last week. I was able to go up to the school and take photos of her class activities. Her extremely creative teacher had the students make 100 Day Capes out of picnic table cloths. They glued and stuck 100 items to the capes. Then they made 100 day crowns with 10 strips of paper which each had 10 decorations on them. They strung 100 fruit loops on a string for a necklace and we topped them off with Super Hero cuffs that said, "Up, up and away! Today is the 100th day!" After we decked them out, we paraded around the school waving to the classes and wishing them a "HAPPY 100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!!" None of the kids were embarrassed. They were all excited and even proud. I wish for them to hold onto that uninhibited free spirit as long as possible.

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