Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

A Process of Cows

Tuesday seems like so long ago. When I finished work at about 4pm on Monday after our colleagues came to the office to let us go early, I expected to go straight to sleep. After minimal sleep in the past 72 hours (less than 5 hours maybe?) my body clock was shot to pieces and didn't seem to want to turn in until maybe 11pm (it's all a bit of a blur... bit like this photo....)

So Tuesday I was more tired than Monday!

But it wasn't raining when I finished work so we took the opportunity to get out for a bit of fresh air and discuss emmigration while walking beneath the grey.

I spotted my cows though, they'd moved further down the side of the moor, and a couple of new calves I'd not seen before (big calves...) so they cheered me up and I got the photo.

I processed the living daylights out of this to make something of it - maybe it works but probably not in large :o)

I'm still backblipping - hope to get a couple more on tonight and tomorrow and hopefully be up to date then, when I can start to return your genorisity by visiting and commenting on journals!

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