Meet The Author Nos 2 and 3!!

Carol Drinkwater, Bath Literature Festival

Into Bath today to meet up with a couple of friends, and to listen to two authors talk at The Guildhall as part of the Bath Literature Festival.

First up was an interesting illustrated talk by Anna Pavord, talking about her latest book: “Landskipping is a ravishing celebration of landscape, its iridescent beauty and its potential to comfort, awe and mesmerise. In spirit as Romantic as rational, Anna Pavord explores the different ways in which we have, throughout the ages, responded to the land.”

Second author on the bill was Carol Drinkwater, who played Helen Herriot in the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small. She was in Bath to talk about her latest novel, her nineteenth book. But it was her stories about her life and career, and purchasing and restoring a rundown property overlooking the Bay of Cannes in France that I found most interesting. She has written a series of memoirs, recounting her experiences on her farm and I thoroughly recommend The Olive Farm.

(My extra photo shows Anna Pavord and the wonderful setting for the Literature Festival, Bath’s Georgian Guildhall.)

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