Friday Foto

By drmackem

Blue Sky and Cloud

Call me churlish, but one sight of clouds and I realise I've missed them. Stopped the car on route out of town to blip them to the mystification of the others somewhat,

Holiday nearing it's conclusion move on tomorrow for one night near Dubrovnik then fly home Sunday.

Each time we head off en famile on holiday these days I'm conscious that this might be the last time we holiday as 5. They keep joining us, but it won't carry on for ever or maybe they will come with additions.

Linda and I have been fortunate to have the means to fund these down the years, and when money has been tight we've felt that they were investments in family that we've prioritised.
It's easy to idealise family and holidays, it's not all lovely, we are 5 strong minded individuals who strive to be the best away from here, we have our considerable qualities and rough edges too and they come n holiday with us. It's both the joyous moments and the working out of the less comfortable ones that makes us the family we've become (more growth paradoxically in the later).

Both the joy and the wobbles are gift and are part of who we become.

Blues skies and clouds, sun and rain all part of our wonderful life.

I just reread the above and at the risk of coming on all over preachy I've realised that its all empty without love.

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