Walking the dog(s)

I don't always take my camera when I take the dogs for their early morning walk but I did today.
And I'm glad
It was such warm colours but only for a short time.
Quite a busy day ahead what with sorting out things for the caravan park opening at the end of the month, walking a friend's dog, making tea (leek and potato stuff) and an evening meeting.
Don't know when I will get time to fit in watching The Killing Three!!!
Here's  the title - almost
P.S. the bunnies are well chuffed to be so high up in the popular pages. It has helped Bandit get over her rejection!!!!
P.P.S. Can you spot the geese??
P.P.P.S. I've just added an extra of a photo looking out of our back door at 2.30 p.m. this afternoon. Talk about four seasons in one day!!!!
Second extra - even more snow!!

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