In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

It's a small world

A few miles along the coast from us is the town of Banff. It's quite an old place, with some narrow, winding streets. On one of them is a little shop called Oldandnu. It sells all sorts of things. Crafts, cards, some second hand DVD's etc.
Imagine our surprise when we saw this for sale there.
Up until two years ago it was in our possession. My brother who lives in New York painted it. Or to be more accurate, chalked it. He often used to do a chalk version before he painted it properly. He gave it to me so I could include it in a retrospective show in a gallery in Aberdeen that I curated in 2005.
In 2014 I donated this and another to SNP Ellon to get auctioned for funds.
In the original auction it didn't reach its reserve price, no idea what the price was, so I was flabbergasted to see that the shop was selling it for only £24.
Obviously whoever sold it at the second fundraiser, didn't realise it's potential value. I wouldn't have let it go for at least £100.

Anyway we told the owner, a chap who doesn't own a computer, and he said he would get his sister to look up Stephen's site. He also said he was going to take it down and keep it.
Bargain of the year I think.
What makes it more of a coincidence is that my other brother and his wife stay in Banff and that Stephen was staying with them for a while last summer.
It really is a small world.
The artwork was in the shop then.
The man who owns the shop said his wife obtained it. She also had a wee metal brooch for sale for £3. June tested it by rubbing it on a glossy magazine and discovered it was silver. And worth more than £3.
So if you want a bargain.

Please ignore the quality of the photo.

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