
...an homage to Tony Warren, who died last night.

Tony Warren came up with the idea for Coronation Street. He used to live at the end of my road when I was growing up and I'd see him walking to the local shops in his long mac. With the crazy hours I work now I rarely see Corrie, so I'm out of the loop with it sadly, but I had to pay my own little tribute to the creator. I've met a few of the stars of the programme...I bumped into Julie Hesmondhalgh last year in town and blipped her, I taught Phil Middlemiss's (Des Barnes) and Nick Cochrane's (Andy Macdonald) kids at school and I've had a few chats with Catherine Tyldesley (Eva) when she came into the teashop where I worked.

Last year LadyG and I did the Coronation Street tour. It was great fun and I bought a Hilda mask then, so it had to be her again today. 

I went into town with Ellen today. We had a good mooch around and then went for a bit of lunch. We were weathered by snow, by hail, by rain, by wind and by blinding sunshine....crazy! On the way home Steve Wright was on the radio, "Shall I send a text?" ....well I bet you can guess what happened ha ha ha. Ellen had told me that when she bleaches the shower she wears an old t-shirt, rolls up her tracky bottoms, wears safety goggles and a shower cap for good measure. I put this in the text, but didn't tell her that. She dropped me off and then drove home. I was waylaid going home, but I got a phone call from her a few minutes later, she was guffawing, "He's just read your text out, I nearly crashed the car as I heard it!" Hilarious. 

I nipped round to see if Jennifer had a cigarette I could borrow, she didn't but she was really good as she went off to beg one from one of her reliable sources. Two other neighbours had a chuckle as they saw me leaning in the doorway, fag in hand, for the pic. I'm building up quite a reputation he he he  

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