
By TrishaR


This little one visited us today, along with her mum Helen. She was two weeks early and Helen hadn't even left for Matty leave! Her name is Isabella and she is very cute.

Camera Club tonight. I have to bite my tongue and not say anything to the arrogant new committee member who I had an e:Mail 'discussion' with on Monday. Basically he thinks we should have proper judges from the Scottish federation and not invite guys that run galleries because they don't give proper critique on photos! I think it was because we have had two gallery owners this session, one was from Stills Gallery in Edinburgh that chose my husbands photo as the winner last week And his picture didn't get picked.

He thinks we are missing big opportunities to learn from the SPF judges. So I replied with my take saying the other judges were a breath of fresh air and the SPF judges don't know everything etc etc and he came back with a total rant with CAPITALS on certain words making his shouty voice heard. Then the president stepped in after that saying enough so I didn't get a chance to reply but I am not happy with the arrogant ****!

Anyway, must dash - parking there is a bloody nightmare and I need a word with Tom the President before the meeting starts

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