Kegs Kwikpics.

By Kegrow

The Sea.

Some years ago I purchased a CD of contemporary jazz by a group of musicians headed by Ketil Bjornstad. The album was titled "The Sea II". The photograph on the cover of the sleeve is a black and white image of the interface between land and sea. No sky except what is reflected in a pool of water. I love the music and this combined with the cover image and the title invested the whole package with a beautiful, melancholic poetic.
The image has inspired me also look at the interface between sea and land, and to explore this concept myself in photographs.
Anyway the above is such an attempt. I know acknowledge the distortion of the bow in the horizon. Some people won't like it - I quite enjoy it.
The image was taken at Wreck Beach, quite close to where I live. It was a cold, windy and grumpy day in Sth. Gippsland and made for a wonderful and exhilarating walk on the beach. Again, not another person to be seen. Ohh joy!

Bigger version here.

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