A little flower

If you take the time to simply slow down and really look, there is beauty everywhere. Even in the little things.
This afternoon after I picked Moira up from school, we ran a couple errands to several different stores. My heart was quite warmed, as in each store that we went to, Moira engaged in conversations with the cashiers. She made their day, and my day, brighter with her genuine interest in who they were and what they were doing. After we were done with our errands, we headed to church for some rehearsals. As we walked up to the door, Moira saw these little flowers. She stopped to look at them and excitedly said "look Nana there is a little flower! Take a picture!" I am grateful that Moira slowed me down to talk to people I did not know and to see the beauty in a little flower. Hope everyone had a terrific Wednesday.

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