Is this really England?

I couldn't believe it when I saw the blue sky first thing in the morning - so I had to take myself out for a walk before it disappeared. I had been intending to catch up on my Blipping and commenting but the walk won. So I'm catching up now (a grey Saturday morning just after 7am).

Even after my walk I managed to be at the studio by 10.30am - earlier than normal. So some chatting and catching up initially followed by some more experimental printing based on the Hepworth Gallery Wakefield - with some promising results, so all very positive.

P stayed the night as we had some work to do together for the Geography Association the next day (and A too). So full house again - are we running a B & B people are beginning to ask - well definitely NO!

Apparently it was a beautiful sunset too but I on;y caught a glimpse of it down here in the valley bottom.

Oh and back to the today's photo - I couldn't believe it when I saw how well the barley is ripening - despite the almost continual rain. Isn't nature amazing!

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