
By BLynne

XVIIIth century Magician's kit

Discovered in the exposition room of the world famous Drouot Auction House (Salles Drouot).  A fascinating, and eye-opening visit!
The profession of auctioneer was created in France under King Louis (Saint Louis) in 1566 and was a ministerial function, until 2000 (!) when a law opened it to the market.  A highly technical function, requiring both law and history of art degrees.
Auctions here may cover objects as diverse as manuscripts (one on auction tomorrow is a signed letter from Napoleon  to his son telling him to stop stirring so much trouble in Italy), to vintage clothing (tomorrow, haute culture clothing by Dior, Chanel, etc. some pieces will likely go for as little as 80 eur!), to objects like this magician's kit, to furniture, stamps, coins, etc.  And all auctions are open to the general public, to attend and bid.

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