Meet the Author No 4!!

Into Bath again today, this time to the Theatre Royal where I listened to a fascinating talk by full-time explorer and writer, Levison Wood. You may recognise him from his two television series, Walking the Nile, and Walking the Himalayas.

“Levison Wood is the author of the Top 10 Bestseller Walking the Nile. His latest expedition takes him, on foot, through five countries along ‘The Roof of the World’. Along the way he explores the reasons we travel, the concept of freedom and being on the road, as well as looking at the role of history, anthropology and current affairs in some of the most unstable parts of the world. But more than anything, it is a story of personal adventure and striving beyond the limits of convention.” Bath Theatre Royal

After the talk, the book signing queue was predominantly made up of young women; can you see why?! As the lady who introduced him at the start of his talk said, “He’s very easy on the eye”!!

(Thank you for all your London hotel tips yesterday. My brother has now thrown a spanner in the works by announcing that he intends to fly to London to make a surprise appearance at the festivities, so the whole shebang continues to be a work in progress…)

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