Badly shaped......

......chocolate orange truffles of the Healthy kind!

I lost interest in trying to make them Heart shaped because Iv got the hump.

The boiler went out again today just when we though the troubles were over. But don't panic....I did manage to have a shower and wash my rank hair this morning before it died again.

To cut a long storey short, the British Gas boiler man - who looks about 12, gave us his mobile number so he could come back and carry on trying to source the problem. Mr W arranged for him to come this afternoon while he was at work. 

I spoke to Mr W on the phone while boiler man was here (about work) but then missed 6 calls in the space of 3 minutes from Mr W. I was busy being shown the part that had been replaced as I like to know these things. And my phone was still on silent as I had got home straight from work. 

I though he was ringing to check I hadn't been murdered or pillaged by a stranger in our house. But no, the first thing he said was "I hope your'e behaving" (and yes, he did mean it). Well - that was like a red rag to a bull!!!!! I am the most loyal person in the world AND the boiler man looked about 12 as I said. So yes, I was behaving. He then got the hump after I said "oh, sorry, I thought you were checking to see if I was ok" and neither of us said goodbye with the usual "I love you".

He's now off to squash. I hope he's behaving!!!!!

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