Life through the lens...

By ValC


Flower Friday.
Spent visiting the exotic sculpture garden of Tremenheere, overlooking the beautiful bay, and St Micheal's Mount.
No snow here!,
We have had a day of sunshine and showers, However managed to dodge most of them.
Another of our favourite places here in Cornwall.
Prior to 1290 the land was owned by the monks of The Mount.
Michael De Tremenheere bought the land at that time, and thus began an unbroken lineage of 600 years.
In the 15th century the land was said to be the vineyard for The Mount.
In the 1800s it was noted for growing strawberries.
In 1997 Dr Neil Armstrong acquired the land, and began clearing the heavily overgrown woodland, and planting the garden as it is today.
The guiding principle has been to evolve a naturalistic, arcadian space blending the elements of landscape, planting and art to create a place for contemplation and wonder.

Well he has certainly succeeded, and we love it.

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