Brent Geese

I was back in Yarmouth today, I suddenly remembered when I got home last night, that I had left my laptop at work. I'd be updating it in my lunch hour using the super fast broadband, perks of being the boss and had forgotten it when I left. I took my parents with me and we all had lunch in Yarmouth. I gave Daisy a nice walk around the harbour and nature reserve whilst my parents were having a coffee. I was trying to take a picture of a Redshank, when suddenly these geese flew overhead. 

I saw lots of different birds today, some Teals (extra), Redshanks, Curlews, Curlew Sandpipers, Seagulls, Oyster Catchers and these Brent Geese. 

Once I got home I decided to take Daisy out again for a walk to our beach, the tide was out and she loved running on the sand. I found some winkles for my Dad, and Daisy trying to help found part of a dog fish!! She did leave it alone though.

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