Olympic Rings

I trust that my blip of the Olympic rings at the top of the Mound in Edinburgh does not infringe any of the draconian restrictions on using or referring to any words or pictures concerning the Olympics which have been designated as protected trademarks by the Games' Organisers.

They have apparently told the courts that they can come down hard on anyone using certain combinations of the words Olympics , 2012 medals, London, or even on someone taking a picture of the London skyline in conjunction with, for instance, a runner carrying a torch.

The Scottish public is as yet disconnected to the hype in London even though I believe we are hosting some football games up here. We may be late starters with interest gaining momentum in 13 days when the Games start.

The sun came out here today, raising our miserable 1.6 hours of sunshine so far this month to unimaginable levels.
Princes Street gardens was a heaving mass of sun worshipers, but the cold wind and mud in the Meadows means that no-one has yet decided to settle down for a picnic in the mire outside the Dower House.

The tourists have come out in droves with the drier weather. The plastic capes and umbrellas have gone, to be replaced by shorts, sandals and sunhats.
They swarm about the pavements with maps and guide books in hand, impeding progress through their ranks. The cafes are full and the outside tables overflow into every corner of available space.

It is an advantage that the burgeoning midge population in the north and west of Scotland which has seen off many visitors there, has not ventured south.
We are a midge free city.

Edit: Bastille Day today and Bradley Wiggins is still in the yellow shirt in the Tour de France. I'm sure the French might wish it otherwise.

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