Mrs Mallard

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts for my singing wren yesterday it's on Page 2 of Popular! :-)

I've had lovely busy day today, starting with a trip out with my mum for elevenses at the Village Tearoom in St. Martin. Yesterday I'd received at wonderful late birthday present, of garden vouchers, from my brother and his family, so we popped to Ransoms to have a look at their wellies. With all the rain we've been having, I treated myself to some lovely Joules wellies, plus some Cosmos seeds with the change.
After dropping my Mum home again I took my boots out for a test drive down the track walking through the stream and mud. They survived and I'm very happy indeed. I saw this pretty mallard giving herself a thorough preen in the pond. She wasn't bothered by me at all which was nice for a change so I was able to get a few shots. It looks like she's already paired up with a male so there should be ducklings in the a few months time!
I also bumped into an old work colleague who I haven't seen for years. It was really lovely to see her and have a good old chin-wag by the reservoir.
She lives nearby so hopefully we'll bump into each other again!

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