The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB


I *had* planned to blip yesterday - but accidentally deleted all my photos - so other than taking a photo of a random household object I had nothing to offer!

So - I feel updates are due ..


I have no immediate plans to put mum into full time care. The nightmare period, some time ago, may have been the result of some kind of infection, and for now we're pootling along reasonably well. Once my next musical engagement is out of the way, I'll put her in residential care for a couple of days a week, which will make all the difference, I hope!


I'm still on the look out for a dog .. many have been enquired about - all my favourites have already been adopted. My current focus of adoption is a Romanian rescue set up. It's actually called Scruffy Dog Rescue - which is ideal for me - my fantasy dog has always been a slightly messy, rough coated dog with a palm tree tail.

This is the ideal solution I think. They have lots of puppies, and almost all look a complete shambles - hoorah!

Getting a rescue puppy gets over the problem of taking on a dog from an unknown background with all sorts of problems, while still giving a homeless dog a good life ..

Other news? I don't think there is any!

Here's Auntie fox who I reckon is due to give birth any time now - I hope so!

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