
By happyhound

Beamsley... again

Yes yes. I know. I had exactly one hour and three quarters. Mr HH had lavished his two wheeled black gloss thirty geared mistress with attention , and to be frank, I was narked. (Apparently it's shameful to have thirty gears?? Ha!!)

We were required for a pub date at three, and thanks to Mr HH's tardiness, my time was squeezed. I exited the house in fury and with no plan, and headed with gusto up Beamsley Beacon.

I had so so so so so many possibilities for my blip, and I've agonised over the one. Drmackem and Glovebox have also been there today I notice, and so on purpose I've selected a different angle...

As it was, I was an hour and thirty five minutes, pretty good door to door, and we still made our pub date to see our favourite friend from oz.

A lovely day. Hope you've had one too.

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