
By Fisherking

........a place to rest.............

The new furniture arrived today..............

We had to get rid of the three seater green leather sofa when Helen came out of hospital so we had room for a bed in the living room.............when Helen died we decided to get rid of the two seater leather sofa and get some new furniture.

Ordered in January it has taken 7 weeks to get here........a two seater scatter back sofa............and two arm chairs.............which the Daughter instantly dubbed "old fogey chairs"............well there's nothing wrong with having a more upright, firmer chair that's easier to get out of.

As you can see by the tapestry ring the Daughter has claimed the sofa for her own.

Now it's time for bed.....up early in the morning......I'm not fishing the match...the knee is still playing up...........and the weather forecast isn't good,,,,,,but........good mate that I am I'm going to go and help Shaun start the match....after we've had breakfast!.

Gonads!............I've just realised that means I'll have to go back at 3.00 to help ho, finish the match and then take him home. Oh least I'll have 5 hours snug at home while he is freezing his nadgers off!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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