Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo


Err... What happened this week?
Well, after getting back on Monday, we had a couple of days off before going back to work. Did some cold runs - in stark contrast to Goa's paradise runs.
I'd held the line and hadn't looked at any work emails in advance of going back. So the first day back was a bit of a drag. Not really feeling the love for work at the moment. And the scarily large amount of work that needed doing by the end of March managed to get bigger in my absence. Oh well.
But there was football at lunchtime. And then again on the evening. So it wasn't all bad. On Friday, picked M up from the station after the after-work game. He came back to play Rugby (on our return home, we had found three copies of the local paper with glowing references to M's performance in the last game). Went to watch the game today - it got pretty cold towards the end.

C has been suffering from a stomach bug and hasn't made it back to work yet. I think that it is compulsory for someone to get ill on every trip to India.

We all watched some new episodes of House of Cards - M likes it as much as we do.

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