me and my girl

Last night Eve whispered "there's nothing under my bed Mummy" as I tucked her in, so I knew I was in for a treat or two. She was delightful - woke me up with a daffodil to the face at 7am and dashed off to retrieve a gift or two from under her bed which she launched in my direction before dashing off to the kitchen. In they all came with breakfast in bed - lashings of fruit toast and an extra special bowl of Cheerios for Mummy. Eve decided this would be a treat as I don't normally get Cheerios. I didn't mention there's a reason I don't normally eat Cheerios but crunched away obligingly.

The treats came thick and fast all day long. And we got to see Auntie Victoria sponge and Grandad too so it was a fairly awesome day.

And yet. And yet. That nagging feeling always there in the background. The sense of something not being quite in place. The words on the tip of your tongue which never quite form..... Mum. My Mum. My heart aches every day and life is just not right without her. What I wouldn't give to show her my babies, cook her a lamb dinner and shoot the breeze in front of Father of the Bride (knowing that after a full day together she'd call later for a "quick" chat to say thanks and stay on the phone for an hour).

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