My unique card

Looks like Leo has well and truly inherited my faulty artistic genes! I sense he was not totally enthralled by the card making activity at school!

We had a nice quiet day. After bellringing we headed out to Exeter for breakfast. Then it was home to build a den for Leo where he spent most of the rest of the day. I persuaded Ian out for a walk but he bailed after 30 minutes complaining of an achey hip so I left him to waddle home and continued on a nice long lonesome walk to get my 8 miles in. En route I spotted a planning application to change the old HSBC bank in the High Street into a Pilates and yoga studio - will be good if that comes off.

After a mini rest when I got home from my plod, I headed out with Leo so he could get his next half marathon mile in. We remembered to count this time so now know he needs to run 9 times around the field to get his mile in. So that is 3 miles done and another 10 to do.

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