and through the wire...

By hesscat


This is Barley, she's a Guide Dog puppy about to set off on the next part of her journey to Guide Dog school in Forfar tomorrow. I am sure it will be a tough day tomorrow for her current carers, my Maw & Paw. Usually when this day dawns, there's another whippersnapper already settled in to take the leavers place and soften the blow, but after 22 puppies, this will be their last.

Time to hang up their leashes... well... almost... retired guide dog Donna is still with them,  a pup they had in 2010 that developed some health problems while working. Of the 22, 20 passed their training and went on to work, but 2 didn't and returned back home and there's a small part of them that hope the same will happen to Barley... just a tiny tiny part :-)

I began to lose track of all the dog names many years ago, especially as retired dogs came back just to confuse me. I was glad to hear tonight, while going through the framed photos of the dogs on the wall that one or two had briefly been forgotten, but we can usually rely on Ms H to come up with the names, she is always on the ball... for a special occasion, one pup was named after Ms H!

It's a tough but rewarding job caring for these pups, it's not quite the same as having them as a pet... they have to be introduced to lots of different environments and situations to give them some confidence out in the real world, respond to specific commands and whistles, and can't fetch sticks... but there's no lack of love heaped on them! And I just love to see Ms H get on with so well with all of them - as you might see in the extra!

So I am sure Monday will be sad and maybe a small part of relief, but I'll take this opportunity to say "Well Done both of you, great job, now sit down and take it easy" :-)

Good Luck Barley, I kinda hope I'll see you again too!

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