The Life of Bri

By bri

Aurora Borealis from Fife, Scotland

Best Aurora I've seen... unfortunately was heading off to the cinema when I first spotted them, without a camera!

But after watching Leonardo De Caprio freezing his bits off in the frozen swamps for a couple of hours, I drove home and the Aurora was still doing its stuff.

Just amazing.

A great end to a lovely weekend.

(Edit: The colours weren't really visible to the naked eye - just bands of faint light.  But the moving pillars were clearly visible and really high - I've only ever had a vague impression of them before. I normally need to crop aurora shots to get rid of lots of empty sky above, but this is uncropped. Compare with the same shot  showing the same tree in our back garden a couple of months ago)

(Edit 2:  On first page of Popular!  A very very long time since I last reached such dizzy heights)

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