Housewife's Choice

By christilou


is on the way.  My windowsill is a wonderful place to catch the light.... shame the glass is always filthy!  We have leaded light windows, over 30 years old and almost falling out of the frame as the house gets all the sun in the afternoon and warps the lead.  Fingers crossed but we may be getting replacement "proper"windows this Spring.  I daren't get a window cleaner as they ship water and a hearty clean is going to push out the glass :(  We had a quiet Monday today, Little B and I.  I have two off sick.  I went to the Dr., posted some letters and did Waitrose.  Little B has slept most of the day.  We took him on a long walk yesterday afternoon and he seems exhausted today.  We hung around with a lady whose dog had run off and Richard helped her to catch it, with the help of some of Little B's cheese :)

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