A place in time

By Verbosa

Oh how we laughed!

I went along with Mum to have her hearing tested and a fitting for hearing aids.  This is her screaming with laughter after she was fitted with a trial hearing aid, which allowed her to “hear” properly for the first time in years.  Apparently, she thought the young lady doing the test sounded like a chipmunk after the little gizmos were activated.  Thankfully, she said I didn’t sound like a small furry animal :)

The testing was quite fascinating to watch, especially when it was quite apparent that she was not registering any of the high pitch sounds – I could hear them screeching away where the sound was leaking out of her earphones, but she could detect not a peep.  So when they set the aids to the correct setting for her, she could hear birdsong...I’m sure she has not heard that in years, and could also hear me ask her a question very quietly when I was turned away from her.  Even when I lived at home over thirty years ago I would have to run from one end of the house to the other when her bedside alarm was peeping (right beside her) yet she couldn’t hear it even though the sound went right through me some fifty feet away.

Mind you, one of the tests involved listening to a conversation between two people with American accents.  Well, that was hopeless for Mum.  Give her an accent – any accent, be it from Newcastle, Wales, Glasgow, Birmingham, anywhere – and she cannot understand a word.  But give her any London accent and she’s fine!

P.S.  A morning swim for me today (*polishes halo*).

Thought for the day:

What you tell yourself every day with either lift you UP or tear you DOWN.

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