My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Fame & (a) Fortune

I've made it! My name in print and my picture on fancy glossy paper!

Laura got her NACC action! magazine this morning and lo and behold there was me grinning up at her, albeitwith a very cheesy 'thumbs-up' grin. Apparently though I'm a 'Red Hot Runner', I'll leave it up to you to decide on the context...

Just like buses, you wait ages for one and then 2 come along at once. I also made the Express & Star report on last week's Birmingham Black Country half marathon. Woo me, although I was slightly disappointed that they didn't use my quote that "I love running through the arse-end of Tipton"; meant sarcastically of course.

In terms of the NACC sponsorship I got a surprise last week by another £14 with a sponsor form I'd forgotten about so I've now raised just short of £700!

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