
By Missycat

Mono Monday 111 Street

I didn't have time to go anywhere more interesting for a subject for today's MM challenge: the choices were my own street, or the top of our local High Street.  Our own street looked most uninspiring in mono at this time of year, so Queen's Road won by a small margin.
This street is charming in many ways but, as always these days, photographs seemed to be spoiled by the unavoidable large number of cars, road markings and street signs.  I've used the pencil sketch effect on my camera so that the signs look a bit less obvious and the scene hopefully a bit more interesting!
Meanwhile back at our house, the Dining Room Saga continues: finally the wooden floor at the 'new' end was put down but not without problems so now it won't be completed and varnished until Wednesday at the earliest....  As we are intending to use this room for a family party on 20 March, I'm beginning to get a bit panicky to put it mildly!

Posting this late again as I ran out of time last night.  Many thanks to Trisharooni for taking on the task of editing this month.

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