Making Progress

Something I started before Christmas, but haven't completed yet, is my application to become a chartered engineer.

Unfortunately, not being academically gifted, and taking an alternative route to getting a degree has meant that my qualifications aren't easily recognised by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers as a standard engineering qualification. So I have a number of hoops to jump through to demonstrate that through my 20+ years in the industry I have developed sufficient learning and capability. one of them is a two stage Career Learning Assessment, which is quite an onerous couple of forms drilling into understanding and experience in various aspects of what an engineer of chartered level should be.

I have made the most of some time today to work through some of the questions on the Stage 2 form, making what I feel is some useful progress. Its difficult trying to go through my memory trying to find specific examples of things I have achieved that fit certain criteria. Hopefully I will be successful, it is quite an important thing to me, to get this recognition, to be considered equal to many of the people I have worked with, and quite a few I have mentored at times.

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